Withdrawal from the market of products VT-4820 and SKU 4229

Withdrawal from the market of products VT-4820 and SKU 4229

This current message is in relation to supervision and carried out tests on LED floodlights and LED bulbs from the State Agency for Metrology and Technical Surveillance – Bulgaria.

  1. LED floodlights with the following number: VT-4820, SKU 5760, 5718, 5719, 20W
  2. LED bulbs with the following number: SKU 4229, from batches 1702 and 2803, 12W

We advice for your cooperation to return the product in our central warehouse and they will be changed to the corresponding new models or a credit note will be issued.

We, as a responsible economic operator, hope that all of the customers of V-TAC will not be disappointed by this issue, and will continue to trust us, as we put every effort in providing quality products. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Address for sending the products:
1, Iliyansko Shaussee Str., Fl.2, office 21
1220 Sofia, BULGARIA
Tel.: +359290566

V-TAC Europe Ltd.
12.06. 2017
Rumen Folev